Well, let me first apologize to all my many many many readers who have wondered where my blogs have gone for the past three weeks. I am back. I further Apologize that I don't have a catchy rhyming saying for being back like some recent presidential candidates.
So here is the new news (whoa) in my Life: Wait a second. Doesn't "news" by definition mean that it is info that is new? So what about the term "old news?" Apparently that is completely meaningless. It's like saying, "the color purple... that's not really purple but instead is orange."
Anyways, I digress. The news in my life is that this morning I finally started decorating my office. My first day of work was August first, so it has been a while. I'm trying to calculate how many days I have been working at Trinity Presbyterian Church, but that is beyond my abilities at the present.
As you can see from the picture above, the first thing to go up on my wall was a huge University of Tennessee (Rocky Top!!) flag. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, "Hey Lewis. Isn't Tennessee really terrible this year? I Mean aren't they the worst team in the SEC. I mean, didn't they just loose their homecoming game to Wyoming?" To those people I have this to say: SHUT YOUR YAPPER! You know and I know that we'll be back. Then we'll say, "The Rocky Top Attack is Back!" Or something like that. Maybe, "The Vols have undissolved!" Or, "Tennessee is the returnee!" You get the picture. Back to my office.
It sort of feels a little more like home now. I have pictures of my wife, my family and friends, some beautiful places I've been, etc. It reminds me where I've been. It also takes my mind off the color of the paint on my office walls. You probably noticed in the picture that my bright orange flag sort of dissolves into the wall. That's because my walls are painted "papaya." Like the fruit, only an office color, and not a delicious food.
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