Monday, August 18, 2008

Top 10 Things I Don't Know

1. How to spell Dan "Marotta's" name. In my head I now say, Mare-Otta.

2. What actually happened with the Dinosaurs. Were they real? If so, what happened to them? Why doesn't the Bible mention them?

3. Why some people have back hair and others do not (I totally don't... cough cough).

4. The secret recipe to the Coca-Cola formula.

5. How Michael Phelps is able to completely dominate with such ease.

6. If I prefer crunchy or creamy peanut butter. It really seems like a game-time decision to me

7. What super-power I would choose if I could pick. I tend towards flying... let's be real, that would be incredible, but I think teleporting would actually be more useful... Did you see X-Men 2... Night Crawler was out of control.

8. If I will ever have an afro again - Greg Thompson says yes, but my wife is not too sure about it.

9. What actor would play me in a movie about my life... if Brad Pitt was unable to do it.

10. OK, if you know Ben or Kyle Hammill, they do this noise with their fingers that is unbelievable. I know what you're thinking, and it's not the finger snap thing, this is something totally new. How the heck do they do that.

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